Legislature(1993 - 1994)

04/12/1993 01:52 PM Senate RLS

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
                     SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                                    
                         April 12, 1993                                        
                            1:52 p.m.                                          
  MEMBERS PRESENT                                                              
  Senator George Jacko, Chairman                                               
  Senator Steve Rieger, Vice Chairman                                          
  Senator Rick Halford                                                         
  Senator Suzanne Little                                                       
  MEMBERS ABSENT                                                               
  Senator Fred Zharoff                                                         
  COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                           
  HOUSE BILL NO. 99                                                            
  "An  Act repealing  the 65-day  time limit  for approval  or                 
  disapproval of a proposed oil  discharge contingency plan by                 
  the Department of Environmental  Conservation; and providing                 
  for an effective date."                                                      
  SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 126                                    
  "An Act establishing  the current  prevailing rate of  wages                 
  issued at least 10 days before  the final submission of bids                 
  as the prevailing wage rate for public construction projects                 
  and requiring periodic adjustment of the wage rate."                         
  HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 16                                           
  Relating to establishing the coal policy of the state.                       
  SENATE BILL NO. 51                                                           
  "An  Act  providing  for  establishment  of work  camps  for                 
  juveniles  adjudicated  delinquent,  and  extending  to  all                 
  cities  and to nonprofit  corporations authority to maintain                 
  facilities for juveniles."                                                   
  SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILL NO. 91                                    
  "An Act  providing for  coverage of  midwife services  under                 
  Medicaid;  reordering  the  priority  of  optional  services                 
  provided by the state  under Medicaid; and providing  for an                 
  effective date."                                                             
  SENATE BILL NO. 141                                                          
  "An Act extending workers'  compensation coverage to certain                 
  high school students in uncompensated work-study programs."                  
  SENATE BILL NO. 153                                                          
  "An Act relating to the exchange of certain fish for seafood                 
  products,  custom  processing of  certain  fish, and  use of                 
  certain fish for charitable purposes."                                       
  SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 29                                               
  Relating to federal efforts to require the use of motorcycle                 
  helmets in Alaska.                                                           
  PREVIOUS SENATE COMMITTEE ACTION                                             
  HB  99 - See Judiciary minutes dated 3/31/93 & 4/8/93.                       
  HB 126 - See Labor & Commerce minutes dated 4/8/93.                          
  HCR 16 - See Resources minutes dated 4/8/93.                                 
  SB  51 - See HESS minutes dated 2/24/93 & 3/5/93.                            
           See Judiciary minutes dated 3/26/93 & 3/29/93.                      
           Finance report 4/12/93.                                             
  SB  91 - See HESS minutes dated 3/19/93, 3/30/93.                            
           Finance report 4/12/93.                                             
  SB 141 - See Labor and Commerce minutes dated 3/9/93 and                     
           Finance report 4/12/93.                                             
  SB 153 - See Resources minutes dated 3/24/93 and 3/31/93.                    
           Finance report 4/12/93.                                             
  SJR 29 - See Transportation minutes dated 4/8/93.                            
  ACTION NARRATIVE                                                             
  TAPE 93-4, SIDE A                                                            
  Number 001                                                                   
  The Senate Rules  Committee was called to order  by Chairman                 
  Jacko at 1:52 p.m.                                                           
  SENATOR RIEGER moved and asked unanimous consent  that HB 99                 
  (REPEAL 65-DAY DEADLINE:  OIL SPILL  PLANS) be approved  for                 
  calendaring   at  the   Chair's  discretion.     Hearing  no                 
  objection, it was so ordered.                                                
  SENATOR RIEGER moved  and asked unanimous consent  that SSHB
  126 (PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION PREVAILING WAGE RATES) be  approved                 
  for calendaring at  the Chair's discretion.   SENATOR LITTLE                 
  objected.   The roll  was taken  with the  following result:                 
  Senators Rieger, Halford  and Jacko voted "Yea"  and Senator                 
  Little  voted "Nay."    The  Chair  stated  the  motion  had                 
  SENATOR RIEGER moved and asked unanimous consent that HCR 16                 
  (ESTABLISH STATE COAL POLICY) be approved for calendaring at                 
  the Chair's  discretion.   Hearing no  objection, it  was so                 
  SENATOR RIEGER moved and asked  unanimous consent that SB 51                 
  (WORK  CAMPS  FOR   JUVENILE  OFFENDERS)  be  approved   for                 
  calendaring  at the  Chair's  discretion.    SENATOR  LITTLE                 
  objected.   The roll  was taken with  the following  result:                 
  Senators Rieger, Halford  and Jacko voted "Yea"  and Senator                 
  Little  voted  "Nay."    The Chair  stated  the  motion  had                 
  SENATOR RIEGER moved  and asked unanimous consent  that SSSB
  91 (MEDICAID COVERAGE  OF MIDWIFE SERVICES) be  approved for                 
  calendaring  at   the  Chair's   discretion.     Hearing  no                 
  objection, it was so ordered.                                                
  SENATOR RIEGER moved and asked unanimous consent that SB 141                 
  (WORKERS'  COMP  FOR  WORK-STUDY STUDENTS)  be  approved for                 
  calendaring   at  the  Chair's   discretion.     Hearing  no                 
  objection, it was so ordered.                                                
  SENATOR RIEGER moved and asked unanimous consent that SB 153                 
  (EXCHANGE  OF RAW FISH FOR  SEAFOOD PRODUCT) be approved for                 
  calendaring  at   the  Chair's   discretion.    Hearing   no                 
  objection, it was so ordered.                                                
  SENATOR RIEGER moved and asked unanimous consent that SJR 29                 
  (FEDERAL  MANDATE  OF MOTORCYCLE  HELMETS)  be approved  for                 
  calendaring  at  the   Chair's  discretion.     Hearing   no                 
  objection, it was so ordered.                                                
  There  being  no   further  business  to  come   before  the                 
  committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:57 p.m.                            

Document Name Date/Time Subjects